The Fairport Harbor Tourism Council would like to invite village residents, businesses and organizations to participate in the first annual Garden Stroll Fairport Harbor on Sunday, June 25, 2023 from12-5pm. Garden Stroll Fairport Harbor is a perfect way to showcase our beautiful beach town.
Visitors are given maps showing the locations of participating gardens, and yard signage will let them know whether front, side or backyard locations can be visited for their self-guided tour. You do not need to be present during the tour.
The Garden Stroll is not a competition nor do you need to be an expert on gardening. There are no garden criteria or site visit requirements to join the event and no entry fees; all you do is proudly showcase your garden whether it’s a vegetable, floral, herb, private or community garden or any combination. Your garden doesn’t need to be perfect or big; it can be just a few square feet or your entire yard.
To register all we ask is that you want to share your garden with visitors. You choose the location open to visitors whether front, side, back or all three. You will be provided with a sign for your yard which will guide visitors to your garden location. You can participate at the level you choose; some gardeners opt to be available to answer questions from visitors about their gardens.
We hope you will choose to share your garden with visitors. A registration form is included and includes further information. Deadline to register is May 31, 2023 to be included on the map for the garden stroll.
Updates and further information will be posted on the FHTC Facebook page and our website, Please email if you have questions or need further information. We are also seeking sponsors and volunteers for this event
Please join us in showcasing our beautiful community and gardens so visitors will also know why “Life is Better in a Beach Town”.
- We do not require that you be in your garden during the event. You may enjoy meeting the visitors and discussing your garden. Others may provide a guest book where strollers leave comments. It is totally up to you how you want to engage with those that visit.
- All applicants will receive an email confirming registration.
- The Garden Stroll is self- guided. A golf cart shuttle will also be available to visitors during the stroll. A $5 donation for visitors is suggested
- Visitor check in is at Finn Hollow Park from 12-5pm.
- A yard sign will be provided to each participant. A Stroll Rally will be held the week prior to the Garden Stroll for participants to get the sign and meet others who are participating. We will ensure that all participants have a yard sign. Signage will direct visitors as to which areas are open to the public: whether front yard, side yards or back yard.
- You may choose to offer water or refreshments free of charge. You do not have to provide restroom access. There will be a refreshment station and restroom locations on the map.
- The Garden Stroll is to showcase our community so we ask that you refrain from sales of any kind. Offering complimentary cuttings or seeds is a fun idea.
- Your homeowners insurance will cover visitors while they are on your property.
- Your homeowners insurance will cover visitors while they are on your property.